Sketch Cards    
and man do my hands hurt!
In 2007 I had the opportunity to work with Topps Trading Cards on the Lord of the Rings set. Little did I know that was going to lead into doing over 5000 cards for both Topps and Upper Deck in the next couple years for Licensed properties like Lord of the Rings, Star Wars, Indiana Jones, and Marvel Comics!
I am a Marvel Zombie! The comics that inspired me to become an illustrator were Marvel Comics, I lived and breathed everything Marvel. When I was asked to participate in this Upper Deck set, I jumped at the chance and did over 1000 cards! Tried to do as many of the Marvel Universe Characters as I could!
I'm a huge Star Wars fan, so it's been a great honor to be asked to do over 1000 cards for 4 different card sets.
My first Sketch Card set. Lord of the Rings... I did 800 cards in about a month.
I did 2 Indiana Jones sets, one for the Masterpieces and one for the Crystal Skull movie.
Sketch Cards


Sketch Cards

5000+ Sketch Cards hand illustrated for Topps and Upper Deck, Licenses include Star Wars, Indiana Jones, Lord of the Rings and Marvel Comics.
